Jesus Christ Explains Gang Stalking
Jesus Christ to yell again many of my very good ones named by the media public web sites online The Targeted Individuals on line on many very fine sites in fact do explain what Gang Stalking is doing to them as they are all being killed very slowly and some fast by them in nice new brand new autos they get with many stolen funds each day at many cars lots and one main one in the San Fernando Valley where many of them are unfortunately killing alot of nice good people slowly in many areas 8 of 9 I do so say unfortunately I do say again and guess what again? I thy great Jesus Christ do say as they the Gang Stalker women and some men press keys to kill them the named ones on their murder chosen list hate spiritual nice spontaneous free floating people who do many things on a great whim by Gods intention also and always I do say as most are God loving souls inside and they are not ones with such frivolous spending as they say as some in this gang stalking outright murdering ring think they are such greedy ones and say they sin by spending an awful lot at one time when that is the way most and many of them have been their whole entire lives or when they have extra money to spend and a reason to spend in a certain time frame for something such as moving and moving in a new property or an old one they buy or rent even, and most do buy some very nice drapes, and some curtain rods too and some do not some use the same ones from where they lived and moved from, and some buy paint and spackle the place to have it all nice and new feeling to live their happy family home life in and we God and Jesus Christ do really enjoy seeing many do these nice pleasant things to enhance their surroundings such as to fill the space with beautiful things they cherish inside and to even glance at a photo in a nice frame they just bought or bought years before when they walk by and we do love to see them enjoy their new places and to buy nice things and the Gang Stalkers hate the T Is for being that way as soon as they start seeing what they do when its what they always have done in their whole entire life or when they had the means to as some may have had to wait til they had the extra money at hand to spruce up a place at times in their life and then bought things when they could and I we are saying this to you in the public as they literally are setting nice good persons for shopping by what they buy and lie they have problems with their heads for doing that all so fast as they see it that way as they are not list makers at all the gang stalkers have no concept of getting many things done fast to get it over with is not its its to have it somewhat finished and done for now to live in a fine house they bought for example to have the much needed furniture in place and to decorate and to feel it home again in a new house or a rented apartment too as thats how they want it for their happy home life and for their vision to see nice appealing things around them and the gang stalkers lie the did that to impress everybody in the community when they are not that way in the least they are nice good ones of mine and Gods who do very nice things for their entire family, for example they may buy down comforters with slip covers that appeal to their daughters and for sons a basketball hoop or some things like this and we God and Jesus say thats money very well spent as its in investment for things to last for one thing and for the family members to enjoy in the new place, and they are targeting very nice good Moms and some nice good Dads too and the youths in the entire family for shopping alot and fast and for buying alot at once such as by a long list with prices estimates sizes measurements and so on all organized added up a budget estimate even usually many have that total done at home in their satchel or back pack or a thin or large wallet also and my medium named only Miss Nancy Gail Fox is one of these, she always usually makes an amount in her head in her whole life before she walks in a department store or market or decorative type place, and says to herself in total silence I am spending one hundred dollars here, I am spending four hundred here on furniture for example and I am spending eighty dollars she always said in her head each time she went to the health food import type store by the initials T J and thats a fact and when she bought a new but old home built in the late 1970s in the middle of 2005 in June all planned out for many years for 4 long years in fact, as she looked for the right house for her great good wise family the whole time for 4 years exactly I Jesus and God do say to you now, and she knew what to buy at the time when she saw it online as she was a real estate agent then and is not now and not for quite some time for 15 years in fact since mid 09 and she did stare at the big empty hollow sounding largest family room that had a dining area and a counter she made into a great wise nice breakfast bar so her kids could sit and talk to her on stools while she cooked and she did stare at the big empty family room the kitchen did open to with a lovely view and said i am spending about three thousand on family room dining area furniture and said exactly I need a small couch and two chairs for a seating area and a coffee table and a dining area table and 4 chairs and 2 breakfast bar stools and a desk for lap tops for her kids to do homework that does not stick out too far from the wall and did measure for that to say how far it could come out and she did measure for a coffee table and couch probably so, and she made a through list and prices estimates to total about three grand and did say I want colors that go with the terra cotta pavers and brown wood distressed flooring and did say a brown and muted orange theme as she had other items in these muted earth tones for ages for many years a botanical picture in a muted old gold frame by that front door hung at their two story house that you saw on the wall walking in where the lived over 8 years off the same main street in the same exact City and in the same Los Angeles County same School area and so on and by some of the same friends and many who turned out to be not nice at all friends as two faced phony’s as many lied behid the nicest Moms back and pulled pranks some cat napped and helped other gang stalkers they are named online and they have stolen an awful lot of cats on that note very sadly and they stole cats from the biggest cat lover on earth my medium named Miss Nancy Gail Fox would sing to her cats and talk to them like they were her babies in fact and prayed to us all and night and always has in her whole life and thats a fact and here is this what they call in al anon one of her twelve step programs a keep to herself person meaning setting boundaries having ones space and solitude and not one to infringe on others at all not to intrude or be out of line is her way of life as she’s not out spoken ever and not a nag if you will and leaned in many meetings she did not have to tell everybody everything and the do not need to know and she learned what others do is not her business within reason, and to not gossip or judge other people and thats how she is saying they live their life and I live mine and she learned in meetings what works for someone else might not work for me and what works for me might not work for them, and people should do what works for them and be themselves as a happy joyous freest spirit ever in life I Jesus and I God have seen by her many great legendary 12 step great programs as her goal was to be so happy joyous and free meaning to feel free and so good inside by being a very good person is how its done, and here is this type of nice over good person and gang stalkers swarmed hating her for being herself when she did not harm one single one of them as she harms no one ever in her life, as shes over nice and sincere and they were out of line to swarm around and I say they first hated her for loosing so much weight so fast and for doing her skin with line filler to look so young again at age 45 in early 05 and here she was so happy about all of it and on cloud nine saying to us God and Jesus Christ wow how great I lost weight on my low carb diet so fast how wonderful as she did a very planned make over on herself all on purpose of course and said I am doing a low carb diet and followed it from a book and went to a dermatologist and spent almost five hundred dollars on her skin to look so very young again, and then said I am buying clothes at Nordstroms for my 20 year sober A A party and did and was so happy I we say that it went as all very planned, and here were many hating her for looking for very good they wanted to ruin it all right then and there in Feb 05 and gossiped about it and said OMG I cant believe she lost weight so fast and did her skin and her make and hair and got all done up and said it made them sick to their stomach that a nice Mom would do all that and spend money on themselves, and she spent a little less than one thousand as she spent four hundred on clothes, and less them five hundred on her skin and voila she would say hooray I did it how happy I am to look thin and young again mission accomplished her words she says alot always out loud to us God and Jesus Christ as half her old people she knew are gang stalkers so she does not want to talk to many as they are all in as we tell her the many names and she dropped them all in her life 15 years ago as what T I wants to talk to a gang stalker? and therefore she prays to us talks to us outloud and always has her whole life driving and showering and all the time she prays and says dear God and I turn it over to you God to worry for me thank you God amen a million times a week or month or year a day I say from God, as that her dear sweet personality and here these cruel vixens came around so angry at her looks they name it looks and lie she did her make up and hair all up when no it was the same old exact make up she has used for many years and still does now and the same exact hair cut and weave she always had every 4 months like clockwork, and she just let her bangs grow out that went well with her new skin also so they were so mad she looked so good and plotted to frame the nicest Mother on this earth for doing a nice make over on herself and a true real friend would have yelled it out online and in person and on the phone gabbing away and said oh my God Nancy Fox looks great she lost weight on a diet and she got new carpet and paint in the house and did alot and I am so happy for her and her kids as she updated their house they have lived in over 8 years with new kitchen tile and new carpet and got smooth ceilings done and accomplished an awful lot for a single mom realtor isn’t that so grand? a real friend would have said this and thats a mere fact and one friend in that area did tell her always go get your line filler and so on as she was so proud of her to do that and would remind her even later or said you need to do your skin again and so on as thats what a true friend would do, and others should have asked what diet did you go on? send it to me they should have said instead of being so jealous with cruel envy and thats a fact from us God and Jesus and here they are all so mad when they should have been so glad in a great glee and said I am so happy for her and for her kids and her kids told her to not wear high waisted pants and one wanted her to dress more stylish and one said you should loose weight Mom and wear lower pants not high waisted ones as her daughters wanted her to look like hip stylish Mother and to dress like them as they were 10 and 13 years old and then 11 and 14 years old so they were so happy and in fact they went to Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills for a really fun outing and to shop and her girls and her bought True Religions there and they went to NYC in summer 06 or 07 and they bought jeans there for one hundred dollars, True Religions and thats a nice Mom to teenagers I say we say as thats how she is always thinking of them and still does as adults and they went to the great American Girl Doll Store to a Play in Manhattan and to FAO Schwartz Toy store there and to Central Park of course and to a Pilgrim Play in Time Square as our then nice single Mother arranged a nice time for them on a vacation in Manhattan and as her younger daughter went to a Ballet School in New York, and that is an example of a great time in their life, and stalkers swarmed cat napped stole vandalized did a car break in theft slandered the nicest Mom to DCFS and set her up and say they planned it in Feb 05 because she did her skin and lost weight so fast and wore low jeans and because she did her hair and make up all up when no it was the same hair and make up basically exactly we say, and thats a fact and she let her hair dry wet and did not blow dry it but for one minute or less a half a second and watered down one coat of base make up and uses that make up still and they hated her for looking so nice ? and why? as my medium writing this for us God and Jesus says to herself often people should look the best they can as she’s a past Costume Designer professional shopper at that as that was her line of work on television shows and T V movies and feature films and rock videos and she’s an expert at making an actress look her very best and knows every trick in the book on shoe types neck lines and so on and not so forth as she used her expertise her skills for herself and did a make over on herself that worked very well about 20 years ago and they hated her for that? and then hated her for buying a new house with her real estate expertise also as she knew what to do to the two story to sell it for a fair price or great one and she did the work got it all done to sell it for fair to great price and ran around getting carpet and paint samples and tile and so on by lists a budget she made and said hooray again I got the work done its finished and accomplished what she set out to do that great wise house where they lived over 8 years in the same exact suburb area where she bought a one story family home for her mom to live with them who never got to because of the awful gang stalking and she was supposed to move in in mid 09 and died sadly to our land over 3 years ago, and thats the saddest house as our medium named only Miss Nancy Gail Fox found the perfect family home for them online in April 2005 when the two story was already listed to sell it and then it was back online in the middle of June 09 and she said seeing it on the MLS hooray or great she would say, the house I want to see is back on the market as she wanted a clay tile roof one story hacienda style house with ample square footage for their happy family life and poor Mrs Denise S Fox was so glad to view the home during escrow and loved it so much and approved of her bedroom then in June 05 and thats a plain fact and said ” I want to go on the house with you!” and did to save Nancy Fox her most blessed daughter three hundred a month approximately by her Mom using her assets only and thats another fact as she planned to live there with them and later said ” I love it for family gatheriings!” and did love it so much and was going to live there and did not get to and its so heartbreaking so us in the sky to have seen this go on to both of them and to the now grown children as the four of them were have to have a great happy home life there for many years in the family room dining area that our medium worked so hard to get done in 2005 for that very reason as she planned to sit around eating and laughing and watching T V and to sit on the covered porch and watch ducks fly to the lake by old ancient Oak Trees and that was poor Denise Foxs plan , to live there with them, as planned by she and Nancy Fox in 2001 and that was their somewhat secret pact and that was what her late passed on to us dear Mom said often was ” I take care of you and you take care of me and thats our secret pact” and she did not allow any others in her private busines with finances and so on and then gang stalkers paraded around saying exactly ” OMG she bought rod iron chairs so fast and ran to Pier One and bought big floor pillowsto have a hot time and to act bitchen and to be a show off I hate her so much for being like that for buying so much at once I have never seen anything like it shes going to suck her Mom dry living in that house spending money like that that house cost too much the mortgage will escalate we gotta run them out she did all that without thinking” all lies they told by very false perceptions as they all imagined what she was doing and here she was geting the family room and dining area done for her girls to enjoy the years there before they grew up and said it out loud often :” I want the house all done so my daughters will enjoy the house before they grow up” and said ” they and their friends can sit on the big floor pillows I bought as she stared at the family room and said I need a seating area and even counted how many could sit in the giant room at a nice Birthday get an AA party and even planned to have New Years Day party’s and counted about 12 or 13 seats and said out loud 4 chairs at the dining table 2 breakfast bar stools and 3 can sit on the couch 2 rattan chairs and 2 floor pillows the girls and their friends can put them by the coffee table to eat when people are over, and she said my Mom can sit in the brown chair with the foot stool and watch TV and that would have been 14 seats and thats why it was all planned by she and the awful gang stalkers ran around lying out loud and online ” OMG she did all that to have a hot time thats how we see it because she shopped so fast for clothes and furniture and spent so much at once so fast” all lies as its was all for their family life of course, and they set her up with these lies and lines they repeat and brain wash with, and lied ” she’s got a spending problem for doing that so fast without thinking we gotta get a hold of her finances boot them out set her up to take custody away” as thats what wicked ones do who literally stole 8 of her work calls a day one hundred grand from her bank her mail and money sent from the porch and from the mail box on a post, and it was planned to be gated and should have been first off says God as they wont stop lying and tell their sickening lies all over many small towns and larger City’s and say they want her gifts and pay they took and say so they wont stop doing it to her and say ” thats how they see it and they go by what they observe and they saw her in tight jeans and short corduroy jackets meant for a teen, and they saw her going to AA meeting and to A A dances and to hear music to dinner and so on, and lied ” Nancy Fox is out having a hot time out clubbing it out partying dressed all slinky” and told lies like this when she was dressed very stylish in designer style clothing from local women’s boutiques and from Macys where she’s shopped her whole life as she grew up by a Macys that was called Bullocks and here she was just being her usual self as she is in her life after working time and these noisy busy body trouble makers sat around judging a long time sober AA lady nicest single Mom, and they should be in Al anon as thats where one learns to keep your eyes on yourself do not judge others or try to control them or manipulate things and look in the mirror to see what are you doing wrong? that you could change about yourself instead of focusing on other people and thats where they belonged about 20 years ago as they all destroyed the happiest family home life on earth and still are as they loot the victims gifts and money and lie about how she bought a house when she was a realtor many years ago, and they are lying she bought that by swindling when Nancy Fox our medium is the most over honest person on earth and they the gang stalkers are the swindlers not her ever in her life is she that at all and thats a fact, and she bought her home for her great family by a normal real estate transaction, as she wrote the forty thousand dollar three percent deposit check then got a swing loan on her two story house and she got about three hundred thousand that went in the bank and she bought the house and then paid off her swing loan when the two story house closed escrow, and thats a fact. and they are lying that was sickening to buy a house like that that cost too much so fast instead of a meager modest smaller place for less where she could have put more money down and had a lower mortgage balance and so when that was not Nancy Fox’s plan at all in any way it was to have more ample square footage for her family home, and for her one daughter to have a larger bedroom as her bedroom was small at the two story, and she found the perfect house that met all her buyers criteria and more and it was her money and her her house she bought for her family and for their life and thats no one else’s business and they are still all gossiping and lying and must stop right now as they are what we named long ago the fierce most evil wicked hated loud mouths we hate so so much please dear ones stop them now at many AA meetings they repeat lies from these liars who are not even in an AA program and they are horrible to have done this wickedness to such nice ones and to still not stop as they have no guilt no shame or remorse no souls.
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