

Delve into evolutionary warnings, the improbability of random creation, and ancient texts suggesting intentional design. Discover intriguing insights into lunar structures and encoded Torah information which challenge humanity’s understanding of its place in the cosmos.
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There’s a Way to Make Ringworlds and Dyson Spheres Stable

Water Arrived in the Final Stages of Earth's Formation

An Amazing JWST Image of a Protostar

There Could Be a Supermassive Black Hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud Hurling Stars at the Milky Way

Uranus’ Moon Ariel has Deep Gashes, Could Reveal its Interior

A Recent Impact on Mars Shook the Planet to Its Mantle

Moon shot maker

This Hot Jupiter Probably Formed Close to Its Star

Astronomers Find the Largest Structure in the Universe and Name it “Quipu”

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White Dwarfs Pause Their Cooling, Giving Planets a Second Chance for Habitability

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