ACTION ALERT: U.S. Constitution at Risk
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States are entering into a new legislative session. Arkansas’ Regular Session of the 95th General Assembly convenes on Monday, January 13, 2025, and bill filing began on Friday, November 15, 2024. Once again, it’s time to address a vital topic that will detrimentally affect not just our state but our entire country: the calling of an Article V or Federal Constitutional Convention. Readers, our Congress is required to hold a Constitutional convention if two-thirds of state legislatures (34 states) call for one. It falls under Article V of our U. S. Constitution. This is an extremely important warning: regardless what we are being told by Article V convention supporters, IF an Article V (Federal) Constitutional Convention is convened, it will be loosed to pursue whatever issue or issues it pleases and cannot be pulled back until the destruction of our U.S. Constitution is complete… or is altered for the worse! It is all about getting a “new” Constitution under the pretext of getting amendments added to the existing Constitution.
Are there radical COS (Convention of States) supporters and donors in President Trump’s ear trying to mislead him? You can bet on it. Yes, Trump’s billionaire donors are going to demand that he go along with their agenda to change our current U.S. Constitution. One billionaire donor from Texas, Tim Dunn, owner of the fracking company CrownQuest Operating, has contributed millions of dollars to the Super PAC Make America Great Again. The troubling thing is that he is also the director of the political NGO, Convention of States, that wants to rewrite our U.S. Constitution. We can see that in 2015, the Convention of States filed its first tax form with Dunn listed as a board member. (Dunn sold CrownQuest to Occidental Petroleum in December 2023, in a deal valued at $12.4 BILLION.) He has been called the most effective political donor in Texas. Snippet from Wikipedia: Dunn is a founding board member of Citizens for Self-Governance, which spearheads the Convention of States project, a national effort seeking to call an Article V convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Lucy Burns Institute. Will President Trump and his political operatives want Congress to call an Article V Constitutional Convention? Surely not… He won’t support this process, will he? We don’t know if he will betray America or not… but an Article V Constitutional Convention will go against the true Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement. Trump may flush out the illegal aliens in our country, but he may also flush our Constitution down the drain… We are calling on President Trump to stand against the rhetoric of an Article V convention and instead to preserve, protect, and defend the original Constitution of the United States, as he will say and affirm on Inauguration Day — January 20, 2025. Across the country, state legislatures foolishly continue to pass applications for an Article V Constitutional Convention. Legislators and public officials are being told that an Article V Constitutional Convention is “not a big deal” and is only for the purpose of the states being able to come together to propose amendments… but this is very misleading.
Also, the Convention Of States Project (COSP) has said their application doesn’t ask Congress to call a “Constitutional Convention,” but rather a “convention of states” which falsely implies it is controlled by the states. COSP has fooled some legislators into believing they can be against a “constitutional convention” (where our existing Constitution can be thrown out and replaced); and yet support an “Article V Constitutional convention” which COSP has redefined as “convention of states” or “a gathering” controlled by state legislators… but there’s no such thing in the Constitution! Convention of States Project made it up! Saying that they can make the delegates accountable by laws passed by state legislators is nothing but a joke… Currently, there’s been a lot more dark money pouring in, wanting to support this nasty federal convention. And, there happens to be four big, heavily funded campaigns and well-paid lobbyists that are working very hard to promote an Article V convention in this country:
Arkansas is a state that has already called for a federal convention to convene! In addition, HJR 1004 is currently being proposed by Rep. Jack Ladyman from Jonesboro in this 2025 legislative session and must be killed. Email him and urge him to pull the resolution: [email protected] Do we REALLY want to convene a Federal Convention?? And risk losing our freedoms? There’s no such thing as calling a Federal Convention to be limited to just one subject matter as “term limits”. States will have no authority to limit the scope of a federal convention to a single topic! So, no matter how good the excuse for calling a Federal Convention is, it cannot be limited just to the subject mentioned. Once convened… there’s no controlling or stopping it. The Arkansas State legislators must rescind ALL dangerous Article V calls for a Federal Convention. This deceptive new application is a continuing call for a Federal Convention and not just about term limits. The push for an Article V Constitutional Convention is one of the most vicious bait-and-switch plans ever perpetrated on the American People. If an Article V Constitutional Convention is ever called, you can kiss America as we know it goodbye. No rights — just privileges. Over the years, several “new” constitutions have been prepared, just waiting for the right moment for a federal convention to be convened so our current honorable and precious Constitution would be trashed and replaced with something draconian! The Convention of States (COS) slyly promotes an Article V Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) supported and funded by the sordid elitists. This COS origination has always been from the very beginning a Trojan horse with the controlled opposition in charge. Mark Meckler’s “COS” Board Member Robert P. George has drafted a new Constitution which imposes gun control. Also see this article: Convention of States Board Member Co-authored Anti-2A “Conservative Constitution”. Have you read the drivel these perpetrators from the Convention of States (COS) website are proposing to the American public? You will NOT like it, dear reader — it is a direct threat to our constitutional rights and our civil liberties:
In the Progressive Constitution listed above, from the COS website, it says under the Second Amendment that The right of the people to keep and bear arms is subject to reasonable regulation by the United States and by the States. But the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. See more in our Secure Arkansas article from January 2, 2022: Convention of States (COS) Now Endorsing “Gun Control”. So, you see, the Convention of States has the three proposed Constitutions — the Conservative, the Libertarian, and the Progressive Constitutions — and they’ll be merging points from all three of them. You can rest assured, it will not be the honorable U.S. Constitution that we have held close since the founding of this great nation. If they’re only wanting to merely “amend” the Constitution, then why are there so many new Constitutions waiting in the wings to be implemented? But wait! There are three more proposed constitutions! You’ve heard the phrase “Throw as many as you can up against a wall and see what sticks”. This is a prime example of that. Keep reading… Do the globalist billionaires really want to scrap our current Constitution and replace it? Of course they do! One such billionaire would be Charles Koch. You can look up the 990 tax forms (Organization Exempt from Income Tax) for Charles Koch Industries. Here’s one from 2013. These billionaires have most of the think tanks, foundations, and organizations at their disposal! They have been organizing and training at the state legislative level for many years to prepare a federal convention under the guise of good-sounding amendments. Training and rehearsing our elected officials! Yes, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) released a series of videos to educate our state lawmakers on how to use Article V of the Constitution to call for a Convention of the States. And Rob Natelson — author of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) handbook written for State Lawmakers and representing corporate America — deceptively insists that the necessary and proper clause does NOT delegate to Congress the power to organize & set up an Article V Convention. See Article I, §8, clause 17: “THE CONGRESS SHALL HAVE POWER“ … “TO MAKE ALL LAWS WHICH SHALL BE NECESSARY AND PROPER FOR CARRYING INTO EXECUTION THE FOREGOING POWERS, AND ALL OTHER POWERS VESTED BY THIS CONSTITUTION IN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, OR IN ANY DEPARTMENT OR OFFICER THEREOF.” But globalists are pushing for a “Great Reset”, and there won’t be a true “Great Reset” unless the United States Constitution is thrown out and replaced. This would also usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution… so the globalists can do as they please, all with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). What are the other three proposed “new” constitutions concocted over the years?
1. The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America is ratified by a national referendum [Art 12, § 1]. The States are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government. [All State Legislators will lose their positions!] This new constitution would replace the present U.S. Constitution and would dissolve the States as we know them into Newstates, “each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population.” This new constitution with its regional government would bring about an oligarchy at the expense of our Constitutional Republic. This form of dictatorship that is planned for America would bring even more prominence and power to the global elite who wants a “New World Order”. It was the Ford Foundation that produced the Constitution for the NewStates of America. Looking back in history, we can see that in 1976, Nelson Rockefeller, who was Vice President and President of the US Senate, tried to get Congress to call a constitutional convention (House Concurrent Resolution 28). So, the terrible threats and current globalist goals to rewrite the U.S. Constitution started well-over 50 years ago as part of the elitist Rockefeller and Ford Foundations’ billion dollar effort to fundamentally change the Constitution and transform our form of government. This New States of America Constitution is listed on page 626 to 652 of a book “The Emerging Constitution” by Rexford G. Tugwell. Click here to read a PDF of the book. You can also buy it on Amazon, or check on eBay or other sites. The New States of America Constitution is listed from page 626 to page 652 of this book. These U.N.-type goals involving a new constitution are still in place today. Do not embrace this diabolical deception! Click here to read an analysis of the Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America by E. Stanley Rittenhouse. Here are some snippets from the analysis: This new constitution would replace the present U.S. Constitution and would dissolve the States as we know them into Newstates, “each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population.” This new constitution with its regional government would bring about an oligarchy at the expense of our Constitutional Republic. This form of dictatorship that is planned for America would bring into even more prominence and power the crowd who wants a “New World Order.” Article I, B, Section 8 would establish federal gun control and at the same time the dissolution of our 2nd Amendment, which guarantees the citizen the right to bear arms. This constitution would seek to dictate that the interests of America not be put first. Article IV, Section 13 & 14 declares: “In making plans, there shall be due regard to the interests of other nations and such cooperation with their intentions as may be approved by the Board. This document would put America at the mercy of the United Nations by recognizing U.N. agreements on par with our treaties (Article VIII, Section 14c). This would open the door to the Genocide Treaty with evils too numerous to list here. 2. The Constitution 2020 movement funded by George Soros and supported by Eric Holder, Cass Sunstein, and Marxist law professors all over the country: they wanted a Progressive Constitution in place by the year 2020. They need to have a federal convention to get it accomplished! 3. Do you recall the North American Union? In 2005, George W. Bush met on his ranch in Texas with the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico, and they outlined their New World Order plan. Canada, the United States, and Mexico are to merge, and a Parliament will be set up over them. It’s all laid out in the trinational Independent Task Force on the Future of North America Report (2005) of the Council on Foreign Relations. Shockingly, Heidi Cruz was on the Task Force that wrote this revealing report. They knew the United States would need a new Constitution wherein we surrender our sovereignty to the North American Union! This is what the global elite require, and they need a new Constitution to make it happen, thus they desperately NEED Congress to call a federal convention known as an Article V Constitutional convention. Wake up, dear readers! We do NOT need to allow this to happen.
In Federalist No. 49, Madison warned against a convention to correct breaches of the Constitution. He said the legislators who caused the problem would get themselves seats at the convention and would be in a position to control the outcome of a convention. (Secure Arkansas asks, who will you believe: James Madison, a founder of our country, or this well-paid lobbyist, Mark Meckler of the Convention of States/COS?)
A new U.S. Constitution will create a new form of government! This new Constitution would deny most of the freedoms that we now enjoy.
U.S. Constitution Article V Under Article V (five) of the Constitution, our founding fathers established two methods for future generations to add amendments to the Constitution: Method 1: Two-thirds of both houses of Congress can propose an amendment, and then three-fourths of the states ratify it… or not. (This is the only safe method.) Method 2: Two-thirds (34) of the states call for a federal constitutional convention, and then three-fourths of the states ratify whatever amendments are proposed by the convention. (This method must be avoided at all costs. This method could lead to a runaway convention in which our original Constitution would be scrapped and a new Constitution would be substituted consequently stripping us from our bill of rights.)
Again, it’s critical that members of Congress, our state legislators, and Americans understand that neither Congress nor the states have ANY power to control the delegates to an Article V convention or what they do at such a convention, regardless of whatever organization is telling you. If they tell you otherwise, they are lying! State legislatures should not delude themselves that the dangers of an Article V convention can somehow be contained. Here are a few reasons why, just looking at the delegates alone:
The United States Constitution does not need to be redone or reworded. It needs to be reread and obeyed. It is one of the founding documents of our Republic and serves as a shining example for all to see.
All elected or appointed officials are required to support the Constitution and take an oath to do so. This is NOT an oath to the current administration, to the government, or to an organization.
That said, America has been hijacked by the global elite, and state legislatures across the country are full of liberals and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) disloyal to our country. The globalists have an unfinished agenda to carry out, and a federal convention sits at the top of their list. Who are just a few of the global elite that want “their” new constitution for the New World Order?
Oh, by the way, would you like to know who is one of the main globalist funders of all this world government and organizations listed above that plagues the world’s population? Yes, they want to replace or alter our U.S. Constitution:
This Article V movement will not Make America Great Again (MAGA). Applying for a Federal Convention is a Clear and Present Danger! Say NO to any form of an Article V convention. Stop this push for a Con-Con being promoted Let’s Make America Great Again.
Many legislators are denying that the Political Left is working with the Convention of States Project. However, Progressive groups and leaders ARE working hand-in-hand with so-called “conservative” groups to promote a rewrite of our federal Constitution. Some of these progressive left-wing groups are Wolf PAC,,, and many more. The Convention of the States (COS) is an Article V Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) supported and funded by the global elitists. The Constitutional Convention, or Con-Con, that’s being sold to the legislators is a lie and has to be stopped. When Obama was president, at least three White House advisers and officials, including President Obama’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, have ties to an effort funded by billionaire George Soros to push for a new “progressive” U.S. Constitution . Don’t fall for the lies of the global elitists. Say NO to a Con-Con or whatever label they call it. Yes, there are powerful promoters of propaganda who are guiding the details of the Con-Con/ Article V convention and are influencing our legislative bodies across the country! Many grassroots, Tea Party, and Christian groups are being infiltrated with progressive ideas by people presenting themselves as Conservatives, Christians, or Patriots. We must all be truth seekers. Don’t accept any information without checking out both the message AND the person. That includes everything. Just because someone claims to be something doesn’t mean they are. Everyone and everything needs to be vetted. Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow, but it is the truth. Opening up our economically devastated and wounded country to a federal convention would be one of the worst mistakes we could EVER make… but we can stop it! America was founded as a sovereign nation. Therefore, we are calling upon all State legislators to rescind ALL Article V calls for a Federal Convention. In closing, readers — please call your Representatives and Senators, and tell them to VOTE NO on HJR 1004. Click here to find your legislators: Arkansas District Finder and then enter your address in the search box on the left. You can call the legislators directly, text them, message them on Facebook, or just send an email. (See the bottom of this alert for a list of their email addresses that you can copy & paste.) Or if our legislature is In Session (which starts on January 13, 2025), you can simply call the Capitol switchboard and leave a message: Senate Session Number: 501-682-2902 House Session Number: 501-682-6211 Are the billionaire global elite celebrating at this time? Do they believe they can finally scrap our U.S. Constitution and have their New World Order and/or their One World Government created for their liking? Are we going to let the swamp drain us of our sovereign Constitutional Republic and our founding document? Or are we going to drain the swamp? The love of money as the root of all kinds of evil is not new. Here’s a cartoon of the royal feast of Belshazzar Blaine and the money kings from a newspaper back in 1884. It shows wealthy plutocrats feasting at a table while a poor family begs beneath: Not much has changed! From Wikipedia: In political and sociological theory, the elite (French: élite, from Latin: eligere, to select or to sort out) are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a group. Don’t forget the first three words of our Constitution: We the People… If we forget those words, we forget We the People.
2025 Arkansas Legislator email addresses:
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